A home for your design visuals & assets

A collaborative platform where designers, devs, marketers, and teams can build, share and maintain the same design system at scale, you won’t find a better tool than Mockplus DS!

  • Create a single source of truth

    With Mockplus DS, you can centralize all your style guides, UI components, visuals, and assets in one place. So everyone can speak the same visual language to ensure design consistency.

  • Align with code for developers

    You can build your visual language with ready-to-use CSS code and asset variables compiled for a much faster developer handoff.

  • Reuse and scale effortlessly

    It allows you to access online asset libraries from any device and update or reuse them via design tools like Sketch, making it easier to scale even when starting a new project.

A home for your design visuals & assets

A collaborative platform where designers, devs, marketers, and teams can build, share and maintain the same design system at scale, you won’t find a better tool than Mockplus DS!

  • Create a single source of truth

    With Mockplus DS, you can centralize all your style guides, UI components, visuals, and assets in one place. So everyone can speak the same visual language to ensure design consistency.

  • Align with code for developers

    You can build your visual language with ready-to-use CSS code and asset variables compiled for a much faster developer handoff.

  • Reuse and scale effortlessly

    It allows you to access online asset libraries from any device and update or reuse them via design tools like Sketch, making it easier to scale even when starting a new project.

Align your designs and codes

Mockplus DS enables your devs to directly get asset variables and component codes while inspecting design files in just two steps:

  • Step 1: Define your asset variables and component codes

  • Step 2: Link your design systems and design projects

Scale and evolve together in one spot

Mockplus DS helps the whole team work on the same design system at the same time!
It updates everyone's changes automatically to keep everyone on the same page.

Clear tree structure

All design tokens are organized in a collapsible tree structure, making adding or finding any design assets easy.

Asset annotations

Add descriptions to an asset or a group to specify its features or functions to better understand the design guidelines and scenarios among team members.

Roles & permissions

Set different roles for team members to keep everyone in the loop and control who can view, edit and contribute to team libraries.

Can I use the Design System for free?

Yes, Mockplus Design System (Mockplus DS) is included in the Basic free plan of Mockplus Cloud.

How many design system libraries can I have?

For the Basic free plan, you can only have one library for each team. For the Pro and Enterprise plan, you are free to create as many libraries as you want for each team.

Can my team collaborate on my design system library?

Yes, your entire team can collaborate on the same library simultaneously. To ensure data security, you can set roles for your teammates to manage who can view, edit, and contribute to team libraries.

Mockplus DS is very well thought out and allows us to create designs as quickly as possible with ease. We have several apps, that we've created mockups for, and we tried different tools, but currently we moved entirely to Mockplus DS. I think it's way too underrated (especially in Europe) and provides a great value!

Wladimir Alexi CEO & Founder of Maground
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