32 Best Places to Learn JavaScript for Web Development Beginners

May 20, 2019
5 min read

JavaScript is a web-based scripting language that has been widely used in web application development. In particular, it is often used to add a variety of dynamic functions to web pages, providing users with a smoother and more pleasing browsing experience.

In fact, all modern HTML pages use JavaScript.

1. HTML is used to define web content and basic structure

2. CSS is used to control the layout of the web page

3. JavaScript is used to control the page’s dynamic behavior

Related: The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Learn HTML and CSS in 2019

Web pages are not the only place to use JavaScript. Many desktop and server programs use it as well. Node.js, for example, is a very popular run-time environment that executes JavaScript outside of a browser. Besides this, some databases such as MongoDB and CouchDB also use JavaScript as a programming language.

Every modern web browser has JavaScript built-in. This means it can be used from virtually any device. For this reason, mastering JavaScript is extremely important for web developers.

To save you from having to look through an infinite number of sub-par JavaScript tutorials, our team has spent some time selecting the 32 best places to learn JavaScript, recommended by lead web developers.

Let’s dive in.

Best Free Places to Learn JavaScript

1. W3schools

W3schools is an educational website that teaches the basics of languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, etc, for free.. It will teach you basic to high-level JavaScript concepts using exercises and examples. W3school may be the best free website for learning programming.

2. Learn JavaScript

Learn JavaScript is a modern site for learning programming created by Jad Joubran, a Google Developer Specialist, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional, and Free Web Consultant.

You can try the first 40 courses for free. The biggest feature of these courses is the Flashcard app, which is designed to help students practice and consolidate their knowledge in an intuitive environment. Learn JavaScript is suitable for beginner developers who have some basic experience in programming.

3. Codecademy

JavaScript is one of the most powerful and flexible programming languages on the Web. It supports dynamic behavior on most websites.

At Codecademy, you can learn some of the basic concepts of JavaScript including understanding data types, functions, loops, and control flows. You will use JavaScript to build projects that make HTML and CSS come to reality.

4. Learn JS

Learn JS is an online, interactive JavaScript tutorial with a practice area at the bottom of the page. You just need to click the chapter to start practicing. Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this site is for everyone who wants to learn the JavaScript programming language.

5. JavaScript.info

JavaScript.info is a website that concentrates on JavaScript itself, you can start from scratch and continue on to more advanced concepts like OOP. The site offers a rich selection of tutorials. You can find anything you want to know about JavaScript including closures, document, events, and object-oriented programming.

6. Developer.mozilla.org

Developer.mozilla.org has the complete documentation of JavaScript, but no interactive practice. Moreover, It offers a fairly good collection of JavaScript learning resources. In addition, all resource collections are contributed by web developers from around the world.

Best Paid JavaScript Online Learning Courses

7. Udemy

With Udemy, you can learn all the features of the JavaScript by building real-world applications. The course includes 3 real projects, 80 programming challenges, and ES6 / ES7, with no programming experiences is required

Price: $84.99

8. Coursera

This course introduces the basics of JavaScript, variables, loops, functions, etc., and even some concepts about debugging tools. You can see how JavaScript uses the Document Object Model (DOM) to identify and modify specific parts of a page.

At the end of the course, you will be able to get your JavaScript to react to DOM events and dynamically change the content and style of the pages. The course will have a final project - create an interactive HTML5 form that accepts and validates input.

Price: $49

9. Edx

Get free JavaScript online courses and web programming from top universities and institutions including Microsoft and W3C on Edx. Learn the basics of JavaScript programming to improve your skills in the web development area.

 Price: $99

10. Lynda

Through practical examples and mini projects, Lynda will help you build your understanding of JavaScript from core principles such as variables, data types, conditions and functions to advanced topics including loops, closures, and DOM scripts. In the process, you will also learn some basics of ES6 and JavaScript libraries.

Price: $199

Best JavaScript Learning Books

11. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 6th Edition

Since 1996, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide has been the Bible of JavaScript programmers, a complete guide for programmers, and a comprehensive reference to the core language and browser-defined client-side JavaScript API.

Version 6 covers HTML5 and ECMAScript 5. Many chapters have been completely rewritten to make them conform to today's best web development practices and are a must-have reference book for JavaScript programmers.

12. Eloquent JavaScript 3rd edition

Eloquent JavaScript 3rd edition is written by Marijn Haverbeke, a book about JavaScript, programming and the digital world. The whole book is divided into three parts: language, browser, and Node.

13. JavaScript: The Good Parts

JavaScript: The Good Parts is not suitable for the beginner. It doesn't contain everything you need to know. Instead, this book contains only very important concepts. Programming language foundation is needed in here. If you want to use JavaScript for serious programming, I suggest you read it.

More JavaScript books recommended: https://goalkicker.com/JavaScriptBook/

Best Free JavaScript Video tutorial

14. Learn JavaScript-Full Course for Beginners

This complete 134 part JavaScript tutorial is created for beginners, and everything you need to know when learning the JavaScript programming language is in here. The font size in this video tutorial is quite large and is perfect for viewing on a small screen.

15. JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners

This video tutorial is for beginners, you can learn JavaScript basics in just one hour.

16. Learn JavaScript in 12 Minutes

This video teaches you how to start learning JavaScript in 12 minutes, is demonstrates how to use variables, operators, arrays, properties, methods, custom functions, conditions, and loops.

Best JavaScript PDF Tutorial for beginners

17. A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript

18. JavaScript for beginner

19. Zero to hero JavaScript

Best Web Developer Forum Worth Joining

20. Reddit

21. Stackoverflow

22. Codeproject

23. Hacker News

24. Github

25. Advanced JavaScript concept

This course is the result of years of accumulation in the field, combined with the best resources, tools, and tutorials to create the ultimate JavaScript course, teaching you everything necessary to be considered a Senior JavaScript Developer.

With this course, in 30 days, you can learn the JavaScript concepts that advanced JavaScript developers take years to learn.

More advanced JavaScript concepts:


Best JavaScript tools

26. Webpack

Webpack is a module bundler. Webpack can take care of bundling alongside a separate task runner. It is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging.

27. WebStorm

WebStorm is the most powerful JavaScript IDE. It supports multiple frameworks and CSS languages, including front-end, back-end, mobile, and desktop applications.

28. Atom

Atom is developed by GitHub and supports web programming languages such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Developers can easily customize the Atom. Atom's rich plugins can satisfy almost all web development needs, with support for third-party plug-ins.

29. Mocha

Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework that runs in both the Nodejs environment and the browser environment, making asynchronous testing simple and fun.

30. Cloud

Mockplus Cloud is a collaborative design tool that front-end developers love. It generates specs and assets automatically. Generate development resources automatically, download only selected or all assets. Have the entire design process in a single place, get the ultimate collaboration tool for design to development. Keep designers, product managers and developers working collaboratively.

31. JSLint

JSLint is a web-based tool for checking JavaScript error codes. If you are writing JavaScript, you should use JSLint or a similar validation tool (JSHint). It helps avoid many kinds of bugs and greatly shortens development time.

32. JavaScript Debugger

JavaScript Debugger was developed by the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) and can be used to debug Node.js code independently. Firefox provides local and remote debugging capabilities, and Firefox for Android is also used for debugging applications running on Android.

For more JavaScript tool:



Whether you want to develop modern websites and web applications or want a high-paying job, JavaScript is definitely one of the best skills programming languages to master for the modern world. We hope the above 32 best places to learn JavaScript can help you get started with web development.

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