New Feature to Help You Easily Replace Your Design Text

Mockplus Team
Feb 18, 2022
5 min read

We want to start 2022 off the right way, releasing powerful features both in RP and in Cloud. We have added multiple features that increase your productivity with features such as six new chart components, Find and Replace Text and an Overlay interaction to help you quickly create pop-ups. Let’s check them out.

For Online Prototyping (Mockplus RP)

Find and replace text

This new function of "Find and replace text" can help you quickly locate design text and replace them easily, helping to improve your design efficiency.

Six new chart components

In this month, we added six chart components, including Line Chart, Radar Chart, Bar Chart, Scatter Chart and more, for greater convenience of product managers.

Continuous loop for Content Panel

Designers will often create rotating carousels for the website homepages by using the Content Panel component. The optimized Content Panel component and the new added Loop option in this update will continuously loop the content of your Content Panel in a continuous cycle, helping you quickly create carousels.

Optimized the creation of flowcharts

 We have also optimized the way you create flowcharts in this update. With a simple drag-and-drop, you can select any shape you want to have in your flow chart, greatly saving your design workload.

New Medical icons

We already have more than 2,000 built-in Android and iOS icons in Mockplus RP. Now we are adding new Medical icons to further enrich the library and will be a life-saver for medical-related product designers.

For Collaboration and Handoff (Mockplus Cloud)

New added Overlay interaction

With this new update, you can add an Overlay interaction for your design work to quickly create a pop-up. You can also move, adjust and preview your design work while setting up your interaction.

Improved layer selection in Dev mode

In this update, we have improved the way developers select layers in Dev mode. Even if the design work has many overlapped layers, developers can easily select the layer they want to quickly preview and download assets, thus creating even stronger collaboration between designers and developers.

Assets with different qualities

In this month, we offered developers assets with three different qualities: recommended quality, high quality and low quality. Developers can choose any one they want to meet their development needs.

That's all for the new features, just click to give them a try!

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