New in July
Released:  Jul 16, 2024
What's new
This time, we've resolved the data syncing issue when publishing RP project into Mockplus Cloud, and also enhanced the large file import of Axure and RP projects.
  • Improved the Eyedropper tool. Mockplus RP will use our Eyedropper tool plugin by default. A new option in the Preferences menu has also been added, allowing you to enable the Google Chrome Eyedropper tool if you encounter issues with our plugin.
  • Improved the syncing issue when publishing projects from RP to Mockplus Cloud.
  • Improved the thumbnail display of Component assets in the Tile mode.
  • Improved the arrow icon display of the Multi-select Droplist.
  • Improved text prompts that occur when resetting share links.
  • Improved the autoplay strategy of videos on Chrome.
Bug fixes
  • Fix: Fixed the incorrect style issue when bolding multiple components and texts at once.
New in June
Released:  Jun 14, 2024
What's new
Fully enhanced eyedropper tool, improvements and some bug fixes.
  • Improved the eyedropper tool. You can now use this tool without installing any plugins, and also freely pick colors without lags anymore.
  • Improved the interfaces.
  • Improved the chart components. Deleting an item from the charts no longer affect the colors of the rest items.
Bug fixes
  • Fix: Asset libraries imported with your .mrp file did not inherit asset groups.
  • Fix: Fixed the issue with favicon lost occasionally in some cases.
  • Fix: You might fail to import Axure HTML demo packages in some cases.
  • Fix: Resizing the Content Panel might not work.
  • Fix: The top toolbar of the desktop version might cover the editing buttons of the compound components.
  • Fix: The interaction of your Auto-sync asset didn't work when it was made with a sub-artboard.
New in May
Released:  May 16, 2024
What's new
This time, we mainly improved some features and fixed bugs.
  • Improved the clarity of exported PDF files.
  • Improved the style of the Preview mode.
Bug fixes
  • Fix: The border color codes could be saved with more than 6 digits and displayed incorrectly in upper or lower case.
  • Fix: Fixed the alignment issue of the Tab Bar components.
  • Fix: Your copied share links might not be right under poor network conditions.
  • Fix: The property display issue after switching between different chart components.
  • Fix: You were unable to view the background of sub-artboards when previewing projects through our mobile app.
  • Fix: Fixed the the abnormal display of progress numbers when uploading images for the Carousel component.
  • Others
New in March
Released:  Mar 4, 2024
What's new
After recent release, you can easily adjust item widths based on text length in components like Tab Bar.
  • Improved the widget likes Tab Bar, which allows you to adjust item widths based on the text length.
  • Improved some components like Number Input, Input, and similar widgets, which enables you to specify the max decimal places.
Bug fixes
  • Fix: Your project or page name may be exported with illegal or abnormal characters.
New in Feb
Released:  Feb 6, 2024
What's new
This time, we focused on fixing some issues related to basic editing and interaction.
  • New ability to quickly edit the page name after creating a new page.
  • Fix: Fixed the incorrect default image filling for Carousel component.
  • Fix: The locked image cannot be successfully cropped.
Interaction and preview
  • Fix: Fixed the abnormal animation effects for artboard interactions.
  • Fix: The device frame may not show up in Preview mode.
  • Fix: The creator of your imported Axure files might not be displayed.
  • Fix: After publishing projects to Mockplus Cloud, the sub-artboards and Content Panels might be incorrectly resorted.
  • New ability to automatically guide Collaborators to the preview mode when attempting to access the edit mode.
  • New ability to apply the dark appearance to the top toolbar.
New in Jan
Released:  Jan 10, 2024
What's new
Check the following new features:
- New ability to make sub-artboard visible with a background color, border, shadow and more
- New components, like Rose and Funnel charts
  • New guide for users to better learn and use sub-artboards.
  • Improved the note typing. The typing box of the note now fits to your text notes automatically.
  • Fix: You may get an incorrect order issue when using "Alt + drag" to clone layers.
  • Fix: The table cell content may not display after editing.
  • Fix: Your modification to the table cell may not take effect after using the Smart filling.
Interaction and preview
  • Fix: Fixed the preview issue caused by setting "Always on Top" in the Dynamic panel.
  • Fix: The pagination buttons of a carousel could only respond once during the preview.
  • Improved the RP file importing. You will be auto navigated to the first page of your imported file after the importing.
  • Improved the project operation on the project homepage. You can now freely do some operations to your project through right-click menus on the project homepage.
  • Fix: Fixed some problems of the new desktop version.
  • Fixed other problems.