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Help Needed with Component Customization in Mockplus

henrich1klassen · 43 · 1 · 7:05 AM    Sep 13, 2024

Hi everyone,

I’m encountering a bit of a challenge with Mockplus and was hoping someone here might have some insights. I’m working on a design project and need to customize a component extensively. Specifically, I’m trying to adjust the behavior and appearance of a button component to match some unique requirements. However, despite my efforts, I’m running into issues with applying custom styles and ensuring that the component behaves as expected across different screen sizes.

Has anyone experienced similar issues or have tips on effectively customizing components in Mockplus? Any guidance or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


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Mockplus Team

Hello henrich1klassen, 

Would you please provide a screenshot or short video showing us how your mentioned issue goes on your side? What kind of style issue do you encounter? Any further information would help us root and resolve the issue for you 

2:33 AM    Sep 14, 2024



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